September 7, 2009

Support the Cause

Thought I’d point out that I added two new items to my sidebar today to support a very important cause - cancer research..….just keep scrolling down and you’ll see them.  We all know cancer sucks.  In fact it sucks ass!   In this day & age everyone knows someone who’s been effected by this terrible, rotten disease.  Through much hope, research, donations and support we can only hope to one day completely free ourselves from it’s grasp.

OvarianCancerResearchFund1 The Ovarian Cancer Research Fund - an extended family member was diagnosed with Stage III Ovarian Cancer just about 1 year ago.  After surgery & chemo, today she is doing well and looking fabulous.  But her battle is certainly not over and continues on.

4337_79156448290_78199508290_1628541_779242_n The Noreen Fraser Foundation’s mission is to fund ground-breaking women’s cancer research.  What I like about this is that it encompasses all cancers affecting women & focuses directly on reducing the rate of women cancers.

All you have to do is click on either sponsor’s icon below and you can help…all for FREE!

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