September 15, 2009

Papa’s Girl

To congratulate her on a fabulous first day of school, Papa (that’s what my daughter calls him – it’s the German word for ‘daddy’….not to be confused with the ever popular Popop!) brought home 3 sunflowers for his little peanut yesterday.  I thought it was such a sweet gesture and really loved that  it made her feel just so special!   Of course, after the initial rush of sheer delight,  Miss E  quickly started demanding that ‘we have to go plant them outside…RIGHT NOW, PLEEEAASEE, so they can grow and we can have honey’ (yeah, not sure how or why she made that connection)….and I was all, whoa nelly…hold your horses….mama barely has enough energy at this moment to put them in a vase, never mind going outside to attempt the act of gardening (those who know me will tell you this is not something I am very good at, hence it doesn’t happen EVER)!


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